Washington D.C. The networking capital of the world.
So many people in the DC area pride themselves on being included on “private” evite lists, being invited to the latest “exclusive party”, and being part of the “inner circle”.
When I first moved to DC, I too got caught up in the political and socialite whirlwind circle of exclusive parties, high-profile galas, and invite only events.
Having worked in politics for over a decade, including a stint on Capitol Hill, I was in the thick of it.
Often, being on “the list” was synonymous with networking survival in this town.
Sure it was fun for a season, but it pains me how much time I wasted focusing on things that didn’t really matter.
Truly, none of that stuff matters in the end. None of it.
And more importantly, there’s a whole other world out there.
If Jesus were walking the earth today, where would He focus His time?
Would he care about being served fancy appetizers at black-tie events?
Jesus came to serve, not to be served. He dined with sinners. He talked to the adulterous woman at the well. It’s not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
During the past few years, God convicted me to focus on what really matters and I’ve started to readjust my priorities.
It wasn’t easy. I gave up things I loved. Romantic relationships I knew were not equally yoked. A political career I had spent over a decade fine-tuning. Material possessions that were weighing me down financially. Yes, I loved these things. But I loved Jesus more.
I know God’s not done with me yet, and I still have many character defects, but I am confident God will finish what He started.
My greatest fear is living a dull, mediocre life. I want to be bold and on fire for Christ’s kingdom.
A boldness so real I can face the world fearless and feel His strength running through my veins, daily.
I want to hug and comfort orphans who have been abandoned and show them the love of Christ. I want to pray with the sick and those who have suffered from emotional and physical trauma. I want to comfort those who mourn and offer a kind word, or even a hug.
None of these things I want can be done in my own strength. To live out these desires, I’ll need to be overflowing with the love of Jesus, or else face burnout and crumble under the enormous weight of self-sufficiency and false humility.
My heart is to go out on the international mission field, full-time. To the remote corners of the world. To the places most people don’t want to go.
Christ shows up big-time when we’re bold. I’ve seen it.
He doesn’t call us to live isolated from the world in our own comfort bubbles. I realize your calling may not be international missions, and that’s okay.
But embrace the brokenness around you, don’t run from it. Talk to the addicts. Feed the homeless. Reconnect and repair damaged relationships. Love hard. Say you’re sorry. And when you’re wrong, promptly admit it. Be humble. Stop wasting time. At minimal, be kind.
We’re all broken. Some more than others, but we all have our battles.
At the end of our lives, when we stand before our heavenly Father, those of us who have confessed Jesus as Lord and believed God raised Him from the dead will be on “the list”.
If you’re on that list, praise God. Now, I want to encourage you to devote your time to bring as many people along with you.
We only have a finite amount of time.
Build your network for eternity. In the end, that’s the only list that really matters.
More from Heather Homan
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